Monday, April 27, 2009

Sweetest Kids Ever

Dylan and Hailey have always been really close. They are just short of being 11 months apart in age and have always been so sweet together. I loved to watch Dylan when he was small take care of Hailey. He even filled her crib with toys when she was about 6 month old one Saturday morning when I slept in (thinking that the kids were still sleeping too).

After Dylan's injury Hailey has taken on the role of caregiver to Dylan. She helps me give him his medicine, comforts him when he cries, and loves to push him in his wheelchair. Recently I found Hailey curled up in Dylan's bed trying to comfort him when he woke up crying in the middle of the night. I will miss these days when they are bigger!


  1. Oh, Paige! What a sweet picture. Your kids are getting so big so fast. I hope we can visit you soon. I miss you guys. Cute posts too.

  2. what a beautiful picture!!!
